Debit Card Fraud Dispute

Contact (866) 960-2290 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for fraud disputes.

If this is an emergency and you need your debit card closed immediately, please review the left-side panels for information on our contact numbers to instantly lock your card as well as our mobile app features. You can control your First Federal debit card anywhere and anytime using First Federal’s mobile application.

Lost or Stolen ATM/Debit Card?

Please contact us Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 5:00 PM CST at (812) 492-8123, if your ATM or Visa Debit card is lost or stolen. After normal business hours, call (800) 554-8969. 

Traveling? Contact Us!

At First Federal, we take extra precautions to protect your account. We monitor ATM and debit card transactions to protect you from fraud. Therefore, we may call you to verify transactions and ask questions about your account. If you plan on using your ATM or debit card, please be sure to create a travel exemption through our mobile banking application by selecting My Cards.  *Certain travel destinations may require additional approval from First Federal/Home Building Savings Bank.  If you do not see the country you are traveling to listed, please contact First Federal/Home Building Savings Bank’s eBanking team at (812) 492-8123 or via email at  If you need assistance outside of business hours, contact (866) 960-2290.